Haruno Sakura is a kunoichi affiliated with the village of Konohag, and part of Team 7, which consists of herself, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and their sensei, Kakashi Hatake. Sakura initially has an infatuation for Sasuke, praising him at every juncture, and heaping scorn upon the less skilled Naruto. Over the course of the series, she begins to shed this singularly driven persona, and grows more appreciative and accepting of Naruto; in Part II, she begins to develop a closer bond with him as they both share in their goal to bring their departed teammate Sasuke back.
As a child, Sakura was taunted by other children because of her large forehead. She was comforted by Ino Yamanaka. As the two continued to grow, however, they became increasingly distant due to their shared affection for Sasuke Uchiha. During most of Part I, Sakura is in love with Sasuke, and hates Naruto Uzumaki but begins to like him more during the Chuunin Exams and when he saved her life from the Sand Village's Gaara.
But after Sasuke leaves the village, she makes Naruto make a lifelong promise to bring him back. After his 1st attempt is delayed by the Sound Ninja 4, she resolves to become stronger by training with Tsunade. In Part II when Sakura and Naruto are 15, she displays highly developed skills from her training giving her the brutal power and strength of about 10 men.
Kishimoto's Word
---------------------- Her large forehead a feature Kishimoto has tried to emphasize in Sakura's appearances.
- Kishimoto created her as the heroine of the series, although he has admitted that he has little perception of what an ideal heroine should be.
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